


Welcome to my homepage.

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Page design by Peter Mossong.
   Backgrounds are from drawings by the late Maurice Conly, the Official Artist of the RNZAF.

Many of these pages may be slow to load as they are very graphics intensive.       

    NOTE: Unless otherwise credited, all of the photographs and the Maurice Conly artwork used in this site are RNZAF Official  and are subject to copyright.

I thank Matthew O'Sullivan from the Air Force Museum of New Zealand for the prints used, and the Museum for permission to reproduce them. 

The Museum may be contacted at info@airforcemuseum.co.nz

  03 343 9532 - General Enquiries 
03 3439537 - Photographs, Film, Sound Recordings
Fax 03 3439549

Or by snail mail to:

Air Force Museum of New Zealand 
Private Bag 4739
New Zealand



Feel free to contact me at :

member.gif (7457 bytes)
tmbut2.gif (12501 bytes)

All material is Copyright and may only be reproduced for personal use.   Please contact the Editor for permission to use any material on this site for any purpose other than private use.